What's the Time?
Teaching your class how to tell the time? Here are three practical resources.
1. Worksheets to use with playdough or markers on dry erase pockets
2. Display posters for your maths wall
3. Colourful clock display labels to create a hula hoop clock
Resource focuses on o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past making it suitable for all class levels :)
Game Suggestion: Put a time on the hula hoop clock, ask the children cén t-am é? They tell you the time and if it’s o’clock, they have to tell you how they know it’s o’clock(because the big hand is at 12 and small hand at 6) and vice versa for half past Then give them five seconds to switch seats anywhere in the class and ask them to close their eyes while you change the time on the clock. When they open their eyes, there’s a new time and if they know it, they put up their hand. They really enjoy this game and learn the difference between o’clock and half past much faster than just letting them sit there. Would highly recommend. Active learning at it's finest!